Mammoplasty. Breast palpation

Physician mammalogist necessarily produce breast palpation by the standard technique in the standing and lying down. On palpation glands determine the uniformity of their tissues, the thickness of the skin and subcutaneous fat. These data are recorded on your card and required operating surgeon to select the type and location of the cut and the way the establishment of the implant.

Lady surgeon just need to know your complete data to plan their behavior during the operation. For the complete picture needed to pass and laboratory tests. Complete blood count commonly used as one of the most important methods of examination in most diseases, and in the diagnosis of diseases of the hemopoietic system it would play the leading role.

The second step on the path to your dream - the actual surgery itself (mammoplasty). Mammoplasty before you must always inform surgeons about all the medicines you. In the preoperative period is often necessary to stop taking drugs that reduce blood clotting, such as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), a standard ingredient in many painkillers. Receiving these drugs should also be avoided, and for some time after the operation.

Remember that the operation will be performed under general anesthesia, so the requirement anesthetist is the lack of eating and drinking on the day of surgery. Otherwise, the operation will have to move, because it may cause unforeseen difficulties in the process of intervention.

Doctors Breast Cente ready to answer all your questions. Ask them, do not hesitate to ask about the obvious things, and your dream will come true!

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