ART Mastopexy. Breast lift with mastoptoze

There are several degrees mastoptoza depending on the position relative to the nipple of the breast tissue. Mastoptoz I level, usually insignificant, when breast lift can be used small silicone implants. The surgeon makes a small incision in a neat fold under the breast with a length of 4 - 4.5 cm If the woman does not want to increase the chest, probably to make a circular Mastopexy - breast lift method, proposed in 1976 by the American surgeon Bartels, who first offered to make cuts only around the circumference of the nipple, digged excess tissue and then re-stitching the halo with the tissues of the breast. After the operation, there is only one scar - around the nipple areola.

The method was called circular mastopexy and is now widely used in plastic surgery. However, the circular mastopexy shows only an insignificant omission chest.

Lift with mastoptoze II degree (Fig. 2) is performed using the same technique as in the previous case, but if you do not use implants, also made the cut down from the areola to the crease underneath the breast within 5 cm

Breast lift with mastoptoze III degree (Figure 3) can produce as in the two previous versions, but if a woman wants to combine breast augmentation with lift, in order to achieve the correct shape of the breast is necessary to make an incision in the crease under the breast in length from 10 to 20 cm

Why mastopexy with implants used? Very often a woman wants not only to tighten the breast contour, but also increase the volume of the breast, making them more toned and elastic. That implants are able to solve these problems, and not the "magic" exercises, ointments, creams or pills to help which often use many of the women who do not have accurate information about the surgery.


  1. Mastopexy is the plastic surgery mammoplasty procedure for raising sagging breasts upon the chest of the woman by correcting and modifying the size, contour of breast.

  2. A breast lift also known as mastopexy, raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.
