The big difference in the size of the mammary glands

Typically, Breast Implants used in case of a unilateral or bilateral hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the breast, with asymmetry, ptosis (drooping) or abnormal development of breast cancer, while postlaktatsionnoy subinvolution breast (change in shape and size of the breast as a result of breast-feeding). Implants also conducted when women need reconstructive surgery for breast reconstruction after mastectomy - removal of the breast or in connection with any trauma chest in congenital malformations of breast implants or the replacement for medical or cosmetic reasons.

The big difference in the size of the mammary glands - 100 cm3 - corrected by mastopexy - breast lift. As augmentation plastic, now this operation was very widespread, is not difficult for a competent and experienced surgeon, has a very low rate of complications, caused mainly not the doctors, and patient non-compliance with the recommendations of doctors in the rehabilitation period.

The patient must be remembered that after the operation remain scars, which in later times (after about six months after the operation) can be removed by cosmetic correction or a permanent tattoo in the color of the areola or skin.

Sometimes you need not only to pull your breasts by removing excess fat, or vice versa, adding to the volume of prostate implant to the desired size, and adjust the size and position of the nipple - areola. It is a simple manipulation performed by a circular incision around the areola. After the operation is very neat scar that is almost invisible. But even then the woman may choose to enlist the help of aesthetic care.

Quite often, women with surgery change the shape of inverted nipples. This problem can be solved very simply by removing the nipple out of the areola. However, the important point is the fact that further breast-feeding may be a function of lactation failure, breast cancer, so this operation is best addressed if the breastfeeding period has passed and you do not plan for the future of children.

Sometimes the breasts have a tubular - tubular shape. This is not a pathology, but represents an anomaly of development of the mammary glands, in which the base diameter and the diameter of the top cancer are almost identical, and she breast shaped pipe. In this case, it sets the shape of the breast through a circular incision around the areola and then giving a cone-shaped gland. On the function of breastfeeding is not reflected.

If you decide to have cosmetic surgery clinic specialists will gladly help you. Before surgery to correct breast asymmetry, you definitely need a comprehensive Breast examination, including mammography, breast ultrasound, clinical laboratory tests - study hormonal (sex hormones, pituitary hormones, thyroid cancer), tumor markers, complete blood and urine hemostasiogram ( study of blood coagulation), and other analyzes.

This survey is you can walk into the clinic, "has at its disposal a qualified staff of medical specialists and its own laboratory analytical framework.

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